• Be Fea­tured & Share

    We love hav­ing hear­ing and see­ing dif­fer­ent and fun ways cou­ples in­te­grate their dogs in­to their wed­ding day! Send us your pho­tos and ideas and we would love to fea­ture you un­der our Wed­ding An­nounce­ments page. Share your tips, ideas and thoughts on how it went for you and your spe­cial pup. We en­joy be­ing able to share the love to all of our Un­leashed Wed­ding visitors.

    Are you a wed­ding co­or­di­na­tor, pho­tog­ra­ph­er or ar­ti­san that works with cou­ples and their dogs? We would love to fea­ture you and your prod­ucts or ser­vices on our page, com­plete­ly free. Con­tact us here and we will keep you in­formed about our up­com­ing e‑commerce page!

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