Posts in : Category: Dogs | Unleashed Weddings

  • Sep

    Un­leashed Cou­ple: Meg & Scott

    by jesmin
    posted in Blog, California, Dogs
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    Meg and Scott had a beau­ti­ful wed­ding in Palm Springs, Cal­i­for­nia. The style and el­e­ments of their wed­ding were stun­ning and in­clud­ed so many per­son­al de­tails. Not on­ly did they have their fam­i­lies stand at the al­tar to sym­bol­ize the union of their com­mit­ment, but they made sure to in­clude their com­plete­ly adorable and fur­ry four-legged com­pan­ion Tom­my. We ab­solute­ly loved every­thing about this wed­ding, check out more pho­tos (and a video!) here!

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  • Oct

    How We Feel About Our Dogs

    by jesmin
    posted in Dogs, Unleashed Blog
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  • Oct


    by jesmin
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    Hel­lo and wel­come to our Un­leashed Wed­dings’ Blog! We thought we would kick off our blog with a lit­tle bit of what our web­site is about and what you will see in our up­com­ing blog posts.

    For many cou­ples their dog plays just as an im­por­tant role as their fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends. We ab­solute­ly love our pups and in­clud­ing them in all the im­por­tant events in our lives. We start­ed through our pas­sion for dogs and in­volv­ing them like an­oth­er mem­ber in the fam­i­ly. Af­ter all they are there day in and day out, a wed­ding day would­n’t be com­plete with­out them there! As fun as the idea is, we as a team have found that it can be a lit­tle com­pli­cat­ed when plan­ning for it — How do I in­clude them? What should they wear? How will they be fed and walked? What about af­ter when we leave for our hon­ey­moon?

    We are de­vot­ed to cre­at­ing a place where any cou­ple can come and be in­spired, in­formed and ex­cit­ed to have their dog play a part in their big day. From ideas and tips to our fa­vorite “dog­gie at­tire” ven­dors, we are the one-stop, in­for­ma­tive web­page about every­thing you will need to know.

    Our blog will con­tain new ideas, news, up­dates and fun dog stuff every week! If you and your loved one in­clud­ed your dog on your wed­ding day and have pic­tures or ideas to share, con­tact us. We love fea­tur­ing those cou­ples that made their spe­cial day that much more spe­cial and unique!

    Sub­scribe and stay post­ed with Un­leashed, we have a ton of great stuff com­ing up that you won’t want to miss!


    The Un­leashed Wed­dings Team 

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