• Un­leashed Wed­dings Team


    dog at wedding

    Dur­ing her wed­ding plan­ning Celia be­came re­al­ly ex­cit­ed about the idea of in­clud­ing her beloved Ter­ri­er, Ja­cobo in her wed­ding day. Un­for­tu­nate­ly she could­n’t have him there on site, how­ev­er that did­n’t stop Celia from in­cor­po­rat­ing him in oth­er fun ways.  From de­sign­ing per­son­al­ized wed­ding cake top­pers and hav­ing lit­tle Ja­cobo in pic­tures, Celia loved com­ing up with dif­fer­ent ideas and be­com­ing in­spired by oth­er cou­ples and their dogs. It was there her in­spi­ra­tion for Un­leashed Wed­dings came about. Her pas­sion is to cre­ate a place where cou­ples can come and share pho­tos, tips, their sto­ries — and most im­por­tant­ly, to be inspired!




    Be­ing a lover of all small, cute an­i­mals (es­pe­cial­ly in bow ties!), Au­tumn could­n’t wait to jump on the Un­leashed Wed­dings team and get things go­ing! She es­pe­cial­ly loves her gor­geous white Samoyed, Bian­ca.  When not look­ing for pho­tos of adorable dogs in wed­dings, she is… well, she is still look­ing for pho­tos of adorable dogs in wed­dings, that’s how much she loves it. Al­though she is­n’t mar­ried, she al­ready has a mil­lion ideas of how to in­clude her dog in the big day.